
Monday, February 16, 2009

My Stash

Sew, Mama, Sew is asking about stashes, and since I've only recently started accumulating a stash, I'd thought I'd do a post to see if it helps me organize mine.

I used to only buy what I needed for a quilt, but now that I have more time to sew, I frequently buy a bit more than I need. And now if I see something I like without having a project in mind, I will buy at least a yard. I always wash it right away and iron it. I would love to be able to sort by color, but in a two bedroom apartment where I share space with the computer, there's not enough room to organize all the bins I'd need, so I sort by size.

The medium-sized (fat quarters to a couple yards) pieces of my stash are stored in this basket:

I also have another basket for odd stash pieces, such as clothes that will be recycled. The tiny, truly scrap pieces go in this drawer:

The other drawers hold various sewing/crafting accessories. When my husband's clothes got too heavy for this plastic closet organizer, I started using it to sort out various projects:

Right now, this is my favorite print in my stash, but I'm getting down to the very last of it.

Currently I'm working on a quilt block project to use up some of my smaller pieces, and I'm planning to try string piecing and start a cathedral window quilt to make further use of small pieces.

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