
Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I saw this teapot pattern at Pink Penguin and I just had to make one! This time I was smart and sent the link to my mom to see if she wanted one too, because I knew she would of course. I didn't bother with the paper piecing as the tutorial shows though because that just seemed like a lot of work, so I just figured out what scale I wanted (finished project 7x9") and cut the fabric as I went. Since they are small, I actually hand-stitched the binding, something I am not usually patient enough to do. I made use of the last of this fabulous flowered fabric that has been featured in other projects. Now I have only a few scraps left, so we'll see where they turn up!


  1. Sarah, I love the Tea Cup potholders, they are really cute. I'm so glad you made one for me.
    Love, Mom

  2. Those are cute! I have a thing for teapots and teacups, but so far I hadn't found a good teapot block pattern.
