
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunburst Quilt

As with most of the quilts I made in 2013, this quilt was an exercise in fabric management. I wanted to make a quilt with what I had and buy as little fabric as possible, so that required a design that maximized what I had in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Plus, orange fabric is not easy to come by, let alone matching it something you already have, nor was this shade of pink, of which I only had half a yard. 

One of these blocks is not like the others. Can you find it? Unfortunately, it didn't end up in the spot I intended it because I wasn't paying attention. It was supposed to be one block down from where it is. Originally the blocks were going to be in a straight 5 x 7 layout so I was only going to need 17 orange squares. Then I decided to a make a larger quilt by putting the blocks on point, which meant I needed three more blocks and I only had enough orange polka dot fabric for two more blocks.

I often piece together quilt backs to make them interesting, but this one had to be pieced in order to make it large enough, as I didn't have enough of any one fabric left and I didn't want to buy more. It worked out nicely in that I had other coordinating orange and blue fabrics. It was not large enough to use as binding though, so I did have to buy some fabric to bind it. I used single fold binding cut at 2.5" and it turned out nearly perfectly. Though all slightly different, this is my third zig zag quilt in a row (one, two), but it just worked so nicely with the design.

New items purchased to complete this quilt: batting and fabric for binding

Finished size: 42.5" x 53"


  1. I love the design and colors! That zig-zag quilting is really cool!

  2. I can't find the different block. Not sure if that's good or bad!!
