
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Brown Hexagon Quilt

This was the original fabric pull for this quilt, before I even had a design picked out:

All the fabrics in the center were fat quarters. The first five came together; the bright green was an add-on. I was debating between the green and the brown to complement them. It's a bit small, but that's because there wasn't much fabric to start with since so much was fat quarters. I wasn't even sure I'd have enough brown to back and bind it. Fortunately, I had small pieces of two other complementary fabrics to supplement the design. I could have added on a row at the bottom instead of the two half columns on the side, but that would have made it really narrow.

Since I normally work on square graph paper, designing a hexagon quilt was rather tricky. I ended up printing out triangle grids to design on. I don't know that I'll plan another quilt with hexagons or equilateral triangles anytime soon. Cutting 60 degree angles with just a rectangular ruler was not particularly fun, and I'm pleased that it came together so nicely. My other hexagon projects have been smaller in scale.

New items purchased to complete this quilt: one spool of brown thread

Finished size: 39"x45"

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