
Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2025 Goals

In 2024, I completed five quilts, a record not seen since 2018. I started doing quilt goals in 2016, but I haven't done any since 2021. I didn't complete any quilts in 2021 or 2022. However, it's nice to be able to track how long some ideas take to complete.

This year, I've decided to break the goals into two categories: Achievable, meaning I have formulated at least a rough plan, and Aspirational, meaning I do not yet have an actual plan.


Goal 1: Purple and orange butterflies

After making some bags, I have about half a yard of this fabric. Naturally, I decided I would try to make an entire quilt of out it. I initially hoped to make at least the top out of fabrics in my stash, but that is probably not realistic if I want the purples and oranges to actually coordinate.

Goal 2: Christmas gnome and tree quilt

I have so. much. Christmas fabric! What did I ever think I was going to do with all of it? I realized I didn't want a red and green quilt that I wouldn't want to use most of the year, so I decided on a low volume quilt. This fabric will be interspersed with blocks of green triangle trees (to mimic the trees in the print) with white backgrounds.

Goal 3: Rainbow quilt

This fabric first showed up as a quilt goal in 2019, which means I've had it since at least 2018. I have four fat quarters, which has made it tricky to find a good design for it. But I keep trying!


Goal 4: Christmas reindeer 

I might be able to pull off another fairly low volume quilt with gold accented fabrics. I might even have a design that would work well, once I get around to doing the calculations.

Goal 5: Christmas penguins

I love this fabric! I have used it for ornaments, a bag, and a stocking, so there's not much left. This would not be a low volume quilt; it would probably end up being a very red and green quilt.

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