Saturday, March 25, 2017

Triangle Trees Quilt

Making a quilt out of this tree fabric has been one of my goals for the past two years, since I've had it for awhile. This quilt went through so many variations of the layout, and this one is definitely the most visually interesting. Most of my quilts don't have borders like this one. I was inspired to use this half-square triangle design by an image I saw at work. I made a quick sketch only to discover when I got home that I didn't have as much of the tree print as I thought, and I didn't want the size to be limited my that. I had exactly enough tree fabric to make 80 blocks. Then one of my cuts went off the rails, ruining one of the blocks. Fortunately I had this swirly orange to substitute in, and I made 4 substitutions for the sake of symmetry. Blue would have been a logical substitution as well, but when I got to the back, I was glad I hadn't done that.

I had two green fabrics I was debating between, then I used a completely different one, since this one was a much better match. I bought this green swirl fabric thinking I would need it for the back of the Bright Birds quilt, but I didn't end up needing it, so fortunately it found the perfect home in this quilt.

Close up of the front fabrics
I backed it with this orange batik I've had forever. I was dismayed to find the two pieces I had weren't the same size, then I remembered I'd used some to bind a baby quilt. Luckily, I'd used the orange swirl fabric to replace the triangles instead of the blue, or I wouldn't have had any matching pieces big enough to fill in the back. I meant to quilt more of a zig zag pattern, but I forgot to pivot where I'd planned to and suddenly I was at the edge of the quilt, so it just became a big arrow pattern.

Close up of the back
Finished size: 60" x 71"

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