Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 Goals (aka 2016 Goals - Take 2)

I set quilting goals for the first time in 2016 and, out of my five specific goals, I finished number two and number three. Granted, another baby quilt got added to the list, and we ended up moving 1,400 miles to a new state. I'm still slightly annoyed that I didn't finish the scrap quilt I had ready to go, but at least I finally made a quilt out of one of the fabrics I listed very broadly under goal 6. As a result, my 2017 goal is to finish up my 2016 goals! I have at least been thinking about them, so I've made some a bit more specific.

Goal 1: A quilt with this bird fabric, for which I've already planned a design:

However, I'd planned a design and cut all the fabric for the quilt that was goal #1 last year, so we shall see how this goes! Update: Completed! January 2017.

Goal 2: A quilt with these scraps of fabric:

They are small rectangular scraps, so I am thinking perhaps a Dresden plate design. I don't have many scraps, but I probably wouldn't have the patience for many Dresden plates anyway. Update: Completed! February 2018.

Goal 3: A quilt with these fabrics, though I have only a vague plan so far:

Update: Completed! March 2017.

Goal 4: Another scrap quilt. (All the pieces are still bagged up and packed from the move. Once I start, I'm going to have to stop myself from switching out squares with new fabrics.) Update: Completed! May 2017.

Goal 5: Fix my Pink Star quilt. You'll notice there's no photo of the back of the quilt in that post. That's what needs to be fixed, but it requires ripping out a lot of quilting. Update: Completed! May 2017.

Goal 6: Brainstorm and research what to do with the hexagon blocks. I may not actually start any sewing on this quilt, but I do plan to at least do some planning. Update: Returned to Amanda. April 2018.

As I learned last year, I'm sure new projects will come up! (Though there are no baby quilts on the horizon yet this year!)


Goal 7: A baby quilt for my newest niece, who will be arriving in November! Update: Completed! November 2017.

Goal 8: A string quilt, which should have been on the list last year as well, but now I have a design in mind! Update: Maybe I'll do a string quilt next year. I did iron and sort all my strings, but then I decided to lay out pieces for a scrappy granny square quilt out of my stash of 2.5" squares.

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